Purchase an Idaho forest license plate
A portion of the fee will go to help reforestation and education projects in Idaho
Forest plates are available throughout Idaho for a nominal additional fee of $35 the first year and $25 each following year. Personalized and sample plates are also available.
Proceeds go towards forest education program
Since 1998 the forest license plate has provided more than $1 million for forest education programs! Also did you know this was the 2nd “special” plate in the state? There are now over 40 special plates.
Order your forest plates today!
Plates are available for your car, truck or motor home at the motor vehicle office in your neck of the woods..
Order your personalized timber license plate online by visiting https://www.accessidaho.org/secure/itd/personalized/plates.html and selecting the “timber” plate –
or contact:
Idaho Transportation Department Special Plates Unit
P. O. Box 7129
Boise, Idaho 83707-1129
or call 208/334-8649.