The Idaho Forest From Lumberjacks to Lasersaws

The Idaho Forest: From Lumberjacks to Lasersaws booklet focuses on Idaho’s forests and forest industry.
Student Reader
The Student Reader is designed like a scrapbook and has four sections:
- King Pine – about the western white pine, our state tree.(PDF, 861kb)
- Forest Digest – about Idaho forest geography and ownership.(PDF, 1.9Mb)
- Tools of the Trade – about historic and modern forest technology.(PDF, 737kb)
- People and Idaho’s Forest – about the pioneering people tied to our forests.(PDF, 1.5Mb)
Download the full 16-page student reader in PDF format.(PDF, 6.1Mb)
Teacher Guide
The Teacher Guide has background information, lesson plans, reproducible student pages and glossary, and overhead transparency maps. The student activities are correlated to Idaho Content Standards in Social Studies, Math and Language Arts.
- Teacher Guide (PDF, 1Mb)
- Maps – Land Ownership, Forest Types, Annual Average Precipitation in Idaho (PDF, 1Mb)
Order a FREE classroom set of student readers with a teacher guide here.